Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Radio trailer Survery

From this information of views from people of what they expect from a radio trailer gave us a clear understanding on how to attract the audiences attention through sound. For example, our audience like sound effects such as footsteps, giggles and creepy music to engage them in the trailer this is why we should include many sound effects in our trailer from the evil girl "Nailia" so people have a insight on her character. Moreover they said that whilst listening to a radio film trailer the information that should stand out is the headline and title of the film and vital information on the film such as what date the film is going to be out. Furthermore, they sed that the use of silence is engaging as it creates a tense atmophere and suspense. This is why we should consider using silence in our radio trailer as it plays a huge effect on the audeince whilst they are listening to the radio as many thiughts and ideas can pop up in thier heads as sielnce can signinfy many aspects of danger. Thesically see  audience also cant phhysically see what is happening in a radio trailer so the use of silence really builds up a scense of anxiety!

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